Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Building Contractor (Class III)

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License Fees

5 Years
Building Contractor Class IIISCR7050

Requirements from Planning Authority for Class III Contractor’s License

  1. Successful operation of a Class IV Contractor’s License for a minimum of 2 years;
  2. Formal contract with a suitably qualified technician of qualification equivalent to advance diploma in Built environment with at least 2 years’ experience for supervision of construction works;
  3. Formal contract with a quantity surveyor (to ensure that the bills of quantities are not exorbitant and to protect the company against bankruptcy);
  4. Adequate insurance cover
  5. Owner(s) must have good knowledge of managing contracts (Business Management qualification) or have a suitably qualified person within the organisation;
  6. Good knowledge of construction site safety;
  7. Good knowledge of building regulations (familiarity with planning procedures poses as an advantage);
  8. Must have good human resource base of at least 10 employees on the payroll inclusive of a minimum of 3 masons and 3 carpenters;
  9. An office and depot to store materials;
  10. A Creole, French or English speaking project officer/site manager;
  11. A good equipment base, at the most basic as follows:
  • truck 1 ton in the least
  • Cement mixer 1m³
  • concrete vibrator
  • compactor
  • General carpentry and masonry tools
  1. Access to funds or adequate working capital (liability or assets/ stocks)
  2. Above all else a contractor must be honest and trust worthy and have the aptitude to deliver projects at the least inconvenience to the developer bearing in mind the financial risks any investment carries

Planning Authority’s additional requirements upon new application and renewal

  1. Successful operation of a Class IV Contractor’s License for a minimum of 2 years;
  2. Formal contract with a suitably qualified technician of qualification equivalent to advance diploma in Built environment with at least 2 years’ experience for supervision of construction works;
  3. Formal contract with a quantity surveyor (to ensure that the bills of quantities are not exorbitant and to protect the company against bankruptcy);
  4. Adequate insurance cover
  5. Owner(s) must have good knowledge of managing contracts (Business Management qualification) or have a suitably qualified person within the organisation;
  6. Good knowledge of construction site safety;
  7. Good knowledge of building regulations (familiarity with planning procedures poses as an advantage);
  8. Must have good human resource base of at least 10 employees on the payroll inclusive of a minimum of 3 masons and 3 carpenters;
  9. An office and depot to store materials;
  10. A Creole, French or English speaking project officer/site manager;
  11. A good equipment base, at the most basic as follows:
  12. 1no. truck 1 ton in the least
  13. Cement mixer 1m³
  14. 1no. concrete vibrator
  15. 1no. compactor
  16. General carpentry and masonry tools
  17. Access to funds or adequate working capital (liability or assets/ stocks)
  18. Above all else a contractor must be honest and trust worthy and have the aptitude to deliver projects at the least inconvenience to the developer bearing in mind the financial risks any investment carries

Permitted Works/ Schedule of Works

  1. Immediate Construction Works
    • Single-storey dwelling houses not exceeding 93sqm (1000 sq. ft.) in area (“Permitted Development” houses).
    • Sundry environmental landscaping works (no height restrictions) i.e. gates, fences, fence walls, parapet walls, retaining wall etc.
    • Single-storey building used for agricultural industry, trade and commerce not exceeding 185 sqm in area and not exceeding 6 metres in height i.e. offices, shops, stores, workshops.
    • Renovation works of existing single-storey building, dwelling houses, offices shops, stores etc., total extensions or expansion not exceeding 1/6 in volume of such building i.e. alterations and improvements and including provision of extra i.e. toilets, bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms etc.

  2. Minor Construction Works
    • Sundry small detached outhouses not exceeding 10sqm in area 3.7m in height i.e. external toilers/bathrooms too stores/chicken coops/pig sties etc.
    • Sundry minor decorative and recreational landscaping works i.e. flag stoning, footpaths, steps, parking spaces, birdbath etc.
    • Sundry minor environmental landscaping works not exceeding 1.2m (4ft) in height i.e. gates, fences, fence walls, parapet walls, retaining walls.
    • Renovation works of existing single storey building, dwelling houses, offices, shops, stores etc., within the curtilage or parameters (no extensions not expansions) of such building i.e. alterations and improvements and including provision of extra rooms i.e. toilets, bathrooms etc.

  3. Repairs and Maintenance
    • Repairs and maintenance, minor improvements, decoration of existing structures/buildings/dwelling houses/offices/shops/stores etc.

Licence conditions

A licence to provide services as a Building Contractor or Building (Maintenance) Contractor shall in addition to any other conditions, which the Authority may specify in the licence, be subject to the following conditions:

• Shall carry out work in accordance with scope and conditions of their licence;
• ensure that there is a written contract with the client relating to the work to be carried out, including the contract fee and expected date of completion of work;
• provide good quality of services or work and respect the deadline for completion of work agreed with clients;
• provide services in accordance with the scope of the work stipulated in the licence;
• of good conduct in the course of providing services;
• be courteous to persons availing its services and ensure that its employees do likewise;
• the premises including workshop or yard used by the contractor in connection with his building operations shall meet the requirements and standards set by the Ministry of Health;
• Keep and maintain his licensed place or premises in a state of cleanliness at all times;
• all materials shall be stored in such a manner and in such a state as to prevent the emission of noxious or offensive effluvia there from;
• ensure that adequate care and precaution is taken when carrying out construction work on or near any public road or in public road or in public place to prevent members of the public from sustaining injuries or loss of life;
• shall be acquainted with the guidelines issued by the Ministry responsible for public works and the current practices and standards relevant to the services under the licence;
• where the licence holder is a corporate body or a firm, the licence holder must inform the Authority in writing of any change of Management, Directors, Partners and Shareholders during the validity of the licence;

i. in respect of a company where there is a change in the employment of the person or persons qualified to provide the services, the licensee shall submit to the Authority the full name of the person or persons employed together with the documents required under schedule of Regulations 5;
ii. a firm where there is a change of partner, to provide proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the partner is qualified to provide the service.

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