Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Liquor (Members Club) Licence

Download Application Form

License Fees

1 Year
Licence fee for members’ club (liquor)SCR1500
Publication of Liquor Licence Notice SCR140

Documents To Accompany Application

a) Proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the applicant has the necessary experience and finance to carry on the activity.

b) Where the premise is newly built or has been renovated planning approval and certificate to the effect that the premises comply with all the planning requirements under the laws of Seychelles.

c) Documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the applicant is the owner or lessee of the premises

License Condition

The licencee shall comply with the copyrights act 2014.

To comply with the licences (liquor and outdoor) regulations 1998, including that the liquor should not be sold, delivered or consumed on the licenced premises by persons (invited guests) under the age of 18.

The licensee should keep the noise level down in accordance with the amplication of sound and playing of music (control) regulation of the penal code (cap 158) a copy of which is attached.

Furthermore the licensee should not use any live band and disco music or any type of music which can give rise to noise disturbance. This means that only soft music can be played on the premises.

To display this licence at a conspicuous place on the business premises specified in the licence.

‘’Once issued, licence fee is non-refundable’’.

Members Club

The holder of a licence, his servant or agent shall not:-

Employ or allow a person under the age of 18 years, or a person who has been convicted of an Offence under the Act or other written law at any time in force regulating or controlling the sale of liquor, to sell, or control or supervise the sale of liquor to have the custody or control of liquor on the premises specified in the licence.
b. Sell or deliver liquor, cigarettes or tobacco products to, or allow liquor to be consumed or cigarettes or any
tobacco products to be used by any person under the age of 18 years on the premises.
Sell liquor to a person already in a state of intoxication.
Encourage or incite, by means whatsoever, a person who is already in a state of intoxication to drink liquor on the premises specified in the licence.
Permit any drunkenness, violence, drug abuse or any quarrelsome or riotous conduct of any kind to take place on the premises specified in the licence.
Keep open the premises specified in the licence for the sale of liquor or sell or expose for sale any liquor during any time when the licence holder is not authorized under the licence to sell liquor.
Allow any liquor to be consumed on the premises specified in the licence during any time when he is not authrised under the licence to sell liqour
Adulterate any liquor, which the licence holder intends to sell, or have in the licence holder’s possession adulterated liquor.
Dilute any liqour in the course of the lawful use
Operate or use the premises for any purpose other than the purpose for which it is licensed.

The holder of a licence shall be answerable for the acts and ommissions of his servant or agent and if his servant or agent commits an offence under this Act the holder of the licence and his servant or agent shall be liable to the penalties under the Act and the Authority may revoke the licence unless the holder of the licence provides to the satisfaction of the court or the Authority, as the case may be that he used due diligence to comply with these regulations and that the offence was committed without his knowledge, consent or connivance.

The holder of a licence to operate a Members’ Club shall clearly and conspicuosly on the premises a list of prices of drinks on sale.

The holder of a licence shall ensure that order is maintained on the premises and shall take all precautions including the employment of suitable persons to prevent a breach of peace.

The holder of a licence shall not operate any premises unless the premises is licensed for the purpose under these regulations.

The holder of a licence to operate a members’ club liquor licecne, shall ensure that the premises is clean at all times and is maintained to the satisfaction of the Ministry responsible for Health and that the premises is maintained at all times in good order and repair.

The holder of the licence shall :-

keep and maintain a register of members of the club
control the number of guests allowed on the club premises and sell or served liquor of members and approved guests of the age of 18 and above.
Ensure that there is order and discipline in the club so as not to give rise to any disorderly or indicent behaviour
Not sell bacca or lapire liqour on the club premises

The holder of the licence shall display the licence at a conspicuous place on the premises specified in the licence.

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