Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Professional Services (Land Surveyor)

Download Application Form

License Fees

5 year
Licence FeeSCR3000
Each additional premises SCR2,000

Documents To Accompany Application

a) in the case of an individual

(i) a certificate issued by the Land Surveyors Board that the individual has qualified for the grant of a licence as a Land Surveyor;

(ii) Documentary proof that the individual has given the security as required under section 7 of the Land Survey Act;

b) in the case of a firm the certificate referred to in paragraph (a) (I) in respect of the partners of the firm and documentary proof of security referred to in paragraph (a) (ii).

c) in the case of a corporate body

(i) Documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the corporate body has in its employment persons who satisfy the requirement of paragraph (a) (I) and the corporate body has given the security required under section 7 of the Land Survey Act.

(ii) A true copy of the certificate of Incorporation and memorandum of association.

License Condition

To comply with licences (professional services) regulations, 2011

To provide services as land surveyor

‘’Once Issued, Licence Fee is Non-Refundable’’.

To ensure that goods quality service is provided to the public and contractual obligations and deadlines are respected.

To display this licence at a conspicuous place on the business premises specified in the licence.

The holder of a licence under these regulations, may, subject tothe trades tax act, import and sell goods specified in the licence where the holder is required to supply the goods as part of the service which the holder holds a licence.


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