Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Self Catering Establishment

License condition may vary to satisfy the requirements of the license authority and those of consulting bodies.

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License fees

5 Years
Keep/Manage a self- catering establishmentSCR1000

License Procedures

  1. In the case of an individual applying for a license to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse or self- catering establishment:
    i. Where number of rooms is 25 or above, a certified copy of certificate showing that the applicant possesses a degree or diploma in hotel management from an institution of international reputation acceptable to the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board;
    ii. Where the number of hotel rooms is 25 or above, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that the applicant has the necessary experience and finance to keep and manage the type of hotel referred to in the application;
    iii. Where the number of hotel rooms is 25 or above, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the applicant has in its employment persons who are qualified to work as a Chef and Human Resources Manager;
    iv. Where the number of rooms is of 8 to 24, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that:
    A. The applicant has the necessary experience in hotel management to keep or manage the type of establishment;
    B. The applicant has the necessary finance to keep and manage the type of establishment;
    v. Documents showing that the hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment has been registered as a business name under the Registration of Business Names Act;
    vi. Proof of valid insurance cover for public liability;
    vii. In the case of any application for a license to keep or manage a new or renovated hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment of more than 7 rooms, planning approval that the premises comply with all the planning requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
  2. In the case of a firm or corporate body applying for a license to keep or manage a hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment:
    i. In the case of a hotel of 25 or more rooms, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board:
    A. The general manager of the premises possesses a degree or diploma from an institution of international repute acceptable to the Authority and Seychelles Tourism Board and has the necessary experience to keep and manage the type of establishment referred to in the application;
    B. The firm or corporate will employ persons qualified to work as a Chef and Human Resources Manager for this type of establishment;
    ii. Proof that the firm or corporate body has the necessary finance to keep or manage the type of establishment referred to in the application;
    iii. In the case of a hotel of 8 to 24 rooms, documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority and the Seychelles Tourism Board that the firm or corporate body:
    A. Has in its employment a person with the necessary experience in management to keep or manage the type of establishment;
    B. The necessary finance to keep and manage the type of establishment;
    iv. Documentary proof to the satisfaction of the Authority that the firm or corporate body is the owner or lessee of the premises;
    v. Proof of valid insurance cover for public liability;
    vi. In the case of any application for a license to keep or manage a new or renovated hotel, guesthouse or self-catering establishment of more than 7 rooms, planning approval that the premises comply with all the planning requirements under the laws of Seychelles;
  3. In the case of a Seychellois applying for change of use from residential to self-catering and where the establishment is not more than 7 rooms
    i. Documentary proof, to the satisfaction of the Authority that the applicant is the owner or lessee of the premises;
    ii. Documentary proof that the applicant has proven experience in tourism;
    iii. Proof of valid insurance cover for public liability;
    iv. Photographs and plans of the building;
    v. Documentary proof that the business name of the establishment has been registered as a business name under the Registration of Business Names Act.

License Condition

To comply with the licences (accommodation, catering and entertainment establishments) regulations 2011

:- is hereby licensed to keep and manage the premises as a self-catering establishment of ….. Rooms

To display this licence at a conspicuous place on the business premises specified in the licence.

‘’Once issued, licence fee is non-refundable’’.
The licence holder shall only provide lodging or sleeping accommodation to the public for hire or reward of any kind whatsoever in which the client prepares meals.

That without absolving the licence holder from the responsibilities of keeping and using the premises as a self catering establishment in terms of the licences act and the licences (accommodation, catering and entertainments) regulations in force, the manager of the establishment shall bear the immediate responsibility for the management and operation of the self catering establishment and ensure that all licensing requirements are complied with.

If there is any change in management (including the manager in charge or director and shareholder of the company or partnership this authority should be informed in writing immediately thereafter. Where the change is that of the manager, the authority should be provided with details of the professional experence and qualification of the manager.

The licence holder must make necessary arrangements with a licensed refuse collector for the disposal of rubbish from the premises.

To ensure that the operations and infrastructure comply with standards laid down by the authority responsible for tourism standards.

To ensure that the operations and infrastructure of the establishment comply with the standards of hygiene laid down by the ministry responsible for health.

To ensure that the premises is kept or managed by a person qualified to manage the particular type of business.

Licence is not transferable

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