Aircraft Agent
Download Application Form
License Fees
5 year | |
Licence Fee | SCR3000 |
Documents To Accompany Application
License Condition
To comply with licences (miscellaneous services) regulations 2000
To provide services as an advertising agent
‘’Once Issued, Licence Fee is Non-Refundable’’.
To provide services as an Aircraft Agent;
Represent Aircraft operators using the Seychelles International Air Port and ensuring that the operators interest and services rendered are to the required standard;
Should operate and respect the relevant provisions in the Seychelles Civil Aviation Act;
Should comply with all rules, regulations, and policies from the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority;
To seek for landing permit and other required permission from SCAA for handling of Aircraft;
To inform the Licensing Authority of any change of Directors/Partners and Shareholder of the company;
To show courtesy and observe good conduct in all dealings.
To display this licence at a conspicuous place on the Business premises specified in the license .