Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Commission Agent (Toursim Related Activities)

Download Application Form

License Fees

5 year
Licence FeeSCR500

Documents To Accompany Application

(a) In the case where the applicant is an individual personally providing the service where the applicant states that he has a certain standard of education, competence, skill or experience, a certificate showing that the applicant has the standard of education, competence, skill or experience
(b) In the case of a firm where the partners in the firm will personally provide the service where the partners in the firm state that they have a certain standard of education, competence, skill or experience, a certificate showing that the partners of the firm have the standard of education, competence, skill or experience
(c) In the case of a body corporate or in the case where an individual or the partners in the firm will not personally provide the service, where it is stated in the application that the body corporate individual or firm has in its employment or has contracted to employ persons who possess a certain standard of education, competence, skill or experience evidence to the satisfaction of the Authority that the body corporate individual or firm has in its employment or has contracted to employ persons possessing the standard of education, competence, skill or experience
(d) Where premises are required for the purpose of providing the service specified in the application, documentary proof that the applicant is the owner or lessee of the premises
(e) In respect of Commission Agent , letter to explain what type of activity being done in return for a commission and letter/contract from the business being the agent for.

License Condition

To comply with licences (miscellaneous services) regulation 2000.

‘’Once Issued, Licence Fee is Non-Refundable’’.

1. To maintain a valid license as prescribed by the seychelles licensing authority and keep within your possession a copy of the license and valid contracts at all times and to produce those documents to any authorized officer upon request;

2. To wear a visible identification badge as approved by the seychelles licensing authority while on duty;

3. To have a good knowledge of the product offered by the operator and not publish nor provide information that is false and misleading;

4. To respond to requests and directive from seychelles licensing authority and the department of tourism in a timely , responsible and reasonable manner whenever required;

5. To treat client with respect and courtesy, being sensitive to their culture background and not to engage in any behaviour that is or could be construed as touting or harassment to clients;

6. Not to accept any remuneration or payment from client on behalf of the operator irrespective of the service provided;

7. Not to transfer clients;

8. To comply with the code of conduct and ethics for tourism related commission agents;

9. To notify seychelles licensing authority (sla) of any new contract sign within14 days from the date of signing;

10. Any breach of license condition will result in suspension, revocation and non renewal of license;

11. To attend programme for refresher courses from seychelles tourism accademy (sta) at least every 2 years;

12. To also comply with attached annex.

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