Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Printer’s Licence

Download Application Form

License Fees

5 Years
Daily newspaperSCR2000
Weekly newspaperSCR2000
Fortnight newspaperSCR2000
Monthly newspaperSCR2000
Quarterly newspaperSCR2000
Half-yearly newspaperSCR2000
An annual newspaperSCR2000
Each additional paper/supplementary paperSCR1000
Newspaper Printer’s licenceSCR2000

Documents To Accompany Application

An application for a publisher’s licence should be submitted to the Seychelles Licensing Authority and must be accompanied by the following documents:

1) a bank guarantee or an insurance cover of SR100,000 or cash
as security for the satisfaction of any judgment against the holder of the licence in respect of any matter printed in a newspaper under the licence. An insurance cover can be obtained from SACOS or any other licensed insurer.

2) an affidavit which has been signed and sworn before a Judge in terms of Section 3 of the Newspaper Act (Cap 251). (this applies for both newspaper publisher & printer)

3) the appropriate licence fee

4) if publishing or printing of the newspaper is to be done on a new premises or existing one for which no change of use certificate has been granted, this Authority in addition to the following documents required above shall request the applicant to obtain Planning permission/change of use certificate.

On compliance with (1) to (4) above the Authority shall grant the licence.

A newspaper publisher’s licence and a newspaper printer’s licence shall, in addition to any condition which the Authority may specify in the licence, be subject to the following conditions:-

a) the licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Newspaper Act (Cap 251).

b) the licensee shall comply with any directions issued by the Ministry responsible for information in relation to the publication and printing of the newspaper.

c) the licensee shall comply with any orders issued by a Court in respect of the publication and printing of the newspaper, and

d) in the case of a newspaper printer’s licence, the licensee shall, in addition, print or cause to be printed at the foot of the last page of each copy of the newspaper, his name, and address of the place of printing.

License Condition


‘’Once Issued, Licence Fee is Non-Refundable’’.

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