Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Employment Agency

Download Application Form

License Fees

5 Year
Licence FeeSCR2000

Documents To Accompany Application

License Condition

To comply with the provision of the license (employment agency) regulations 1995 (s.i.50 of 1995), and employment act, 1995 and regulations made thereunder:

To display this licence at a conspicuous place on the business premises as specified on the licence

‘’Once Issued, Licence Fee is Non-Refundable’’.

  1. Display in a conspicuous place on its premises a list of vacancies registered with the agency until such time as those  vacancies are filled and the  qualifications required of an applicant for any such vacancy;
  2. Provide guidelines to clients on services to be provided and the fees to be paid;
  3. Keep its premises in good condition and provide adequate seating facilities to persons availing its services:
  4. Be courteous to persons availing its services and ensure that its employees do likewise;
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