Seychelles Licensing Authority

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Trade Mark Agent

Download Application Form

License Fees

5 year
Patent AgentSCR1000
Trademark AgentSCR1000

Documents To Accompany Application

  1. in the case where the applicant will personally provide the services and states that he has a certain standard of education, competence, skill or experience, a certificate showing that the applicant has the standard of education, competence, skill or experience;
  2. in the case of a firm where the partners of a firm will personally provide the services, a certificate showing that the partners of the firm have the standard of education, competence, skill or experience;
  3. in the case of a body corporate or where an individual or the partners in the firm will not personally provide the service, evidence to the satisfaction of the Authority that the body corporate, individual or firm possessing the standard of education, competence, skill or experience;
  4. where premises are required for the purposes of providing the services specified in the application, documentary
  5. in the case of a firm a true copy of registration of the firm and in the case of a corporate body a true copy of the certificate of incorporation and the memorandum and articles of association of the corporate body;
  6. in respect of an application requiring premises to carry out any of the following services, planning approval for the use of the premises to carry on the business;

Additional documents

  • SLA Application form

License Condition


To ensure that good quality service is provided to the Public and contractual obligations and deadlines are respected.

‘’Once Issued, Licence Fee is Non-Refundable’’.


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